It is obviously becoming more apparent with the push to install insulation within properties of the UK to supposedly save the world. That there are going into be more problems relating to dampness and fungal decay relating to it, affecting these properties.
On dealing with a number of these matters it is obvious CIGA are completely unqualified to adjudicate the claims made against the guarantees, it would appear from the dealings, I have had with CIGA the decision to the cause and what if anything they will do to correct defects to your property is limited to two people, who have qualification or experience in surveying or remedial works.
The question being when this explodes which it will undoubtedly do shortly and CIGA go to the wall once the guarantee premiums run out, who will end up paying to correct the defects, as it government backed will this be the tax payer as we did with the banks, or will it be the house holder, which in most cases the systems were installed due properties, occupied on low incomes.